Arizona School Mask Mandate

Is your child being masked in school according to the Arizona school mask mandate? Masking children might be a constitutional violation and without question, it’s hindering every child’s ability to socialize with their peers in a healthy and productive way. If you’re concerned about the safety and legality of COVID mandates in schools, contact The Gavel Project to find out how we can help. We believe it is only though mass civil disobedience that we can win the war against potentially illegal mandates and regulations. Feel free to reach out to our team for more information about the work we do.

Why Are Schools Masking Children?
Arizona school COVID rules are one way the federal government can control what happens in state schools. By threatening to withhold financial incentives and funding, the federal government can coerce public schools to enforce regulations and mandates that may not be constitutional. It’s becoming clear that the Biden administration has an agenda that does not benefit the American people. What the current administration is trying to accomplish is still anyone’s guess; still, the health and safety of our children require that parents insist upon a school mask mandate ban.

Can A School Mask Ban Win Against The Federal Government?
An all-out ban may not be possible to implement at this time; one thing is clear though, through mass civil disobedience, parents can force the federal government into litigation. With the right legal representation and a fair judge, parents can win against school mask requirements when the law does not specifically follow the constitution.

How To Fight The Arizona School Mask Mandate
Contact the Gavel Project to begin standing up for your constitutional rights today. Whether you are a student or the gaurdian of a student who is having his/her rights infringed upon, it is unjust! It is critical to our freedom and to our future generations that we stand for what is right and do not allow these tyrannical precedents to be established without fighting back. 

We are only beginning to witness the physical, financial, and emotional damage caused be COVID mandates, including forced masking. Children have had their learning stunted by mask-wearing, as children depond on facial expressions and non-verbal cues for learning. Acne, respiratory ailments, and dental problems result from prolonged mask-wearing. It is unconstitutional and immoral to force kids to cover their breathing passage. We can make it stop. Call us.

When You Need Legal Advice Or Representation
Without patriotic lawyers fighting against the corrupt establishment, we may not be able to recover our freedoms once they’ve been stripped from us. Ryan Heath from The Gavel Project is not just an attorney; he’s also a father who has grown tired of witnessing COVID abuses taking place across our great nation. This is a subject we are all passionate about, and we are dedicated to defending freedom on your behalf.

If you wish to make a donation to The Gavel Project, purchase Gavel Gear to support our cause, or inquire about legal assistance regarding your situation, we welcome your email at

The Gavel Project operates entirely from crowdsource funding. Therefore, donations are critical for ongoing success.

The Arizona school mask mandate may be violating your child’s constitutional rights. Together, we can fight against federal government oppression in the form of masking and injections.